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17th Induction of Internee Doctor: UpDC

February: 2021

The 17th Induction of Internee doctor, Program took place on 11 February 2021 on presence of Prof. Dr. Md. Moazzem Hossain, Chairman, Aichi Medical Group. Ulfat Jahan Moon madam, Chairman, Update Dental College, Prof. Dr. Md. Zaforullah Chowdhury, Principal, East-West Medical College, Dr. Satoshi Ito, International Co-ordinator, Japan East-West Medical College Hospital. Dr. Shahed Jahan, Vice Principal, Update Dental College. The program was presided by Dr. SMA Quader, Principal of Update Dental College.

Campus Cleaning Day Program

Each year, staff, faculty, and students are encouraged to clean up various areas across campus to help clear away the litter and other plastic waste. The Update Dental College under Aichi Medical Group takes great pride in the beauty of the natural features on campus. The annual Campus Clean Up gives everyone an opportunity to make a difference by enhancing that beauty.

Everyone is encouraged to get involved in Update Dental College Under Aichi Medical Group Campus Clean Up. The event is open to all students, staff and faculties, and is a great way to show appreciation for the beautiful campus. 


Appreciation to our students :

For the best result-

In the professional examination February,  under Dhaka University.

Fathimath AtfaAishath Salwan, Md. Sami Azad get place and honors in different subjects in 1st year.

Marjana Hossain Mim, Unisha Gainju, Aspen Pradhan, Sumaia Akter get place and honors in different subjects of 2nd year.

Puja Shrestha, Nimesh Shrestha get place and honors in different subjects of 3rd year.

Md. Anayet Ullah, Shishir Sarkar get place and honors in different subjects of final year.

Congratulation to all of you…….

College vedio

Update Dental College: At a glance..

Orientation Ceremony :

UpDC Batch-11

Orientation ceremony for the batch updc 11 was held in Updc premises

Chief guest for the 1st half was our honorbale chairman Ulfat Jahan Moon madam

Special gust : Prof Dr. Abul Kalam Bappery, Principal (Dhaka Dental College) and Prof. Dr. Umme Salma Abdullah, Director (Dental DGHS,

Presided by Prof. Dr. Md. Osman Ghani Khan, Principal; Update Dental College

Later the 2nd half started combinely with East West Medical College Orientation ..

Prof. Dr.  Abul kasem ; President Bangladesh Dental Society and Prof. Dr. Humayun Kabir Bulbul; General Secretery, Bangladesh Dental Society were also Present in this auspicious memorable programme.


Annual Picnic & Cultural programme: 2107-18, Place- BRAC CDM

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