Campus Overview :
Our campus is perpetually in motion. Our students run organizations and are deeply involved with the community. Our experienced faculties do not only teach, they strive hard to develop new innovations in their particular fields. The campus is home to Dental College, Medical College and a Nursing Institute.
An Academy of excellence .........
One of the biggest campus in Bangladesh

Campus Overview….
Our campus is perpetually in motion. Our students run organizations and are deeply involved with the community. Our experienced faculties do not only teach, they strive hard to develop new innovations in their particular fields. The campus is home to Dental College, Medical College and a Nursing Institute.
It is a noble venture of a renowned foundation that offers medical, dental and nursing education and health care services to contribute to the growing need of the country. This multicomplex campus is located at the northern part from the centre of the Dhaka city in a nice, green, calm and quite place, where the students can breathe fresh air and get rid of the hectic life of the Dhaka city. Our campus is one of the most beautiful and environmental friendly dental college campuses in the country.
The beauty of our campus is much more enhanced by its recent flower and tree plantation program, giving it an exuberant look and making it a green campus. The facilities such as air-conditioned lecture theatres, practical and tutorial class rooms, departmental museums, Wi-Fi connectivity, well stocked libraries with access to e-journals, advance computer centre; modern and well-equipped laboratories, contemporary seminar halls, indoor & outdoor sports and recreation facilities provide distinct advantage for creating and dissemination of knowledge. Construction of an ultra modern auditorium is in progress for vibrancy of the campus.
Welcome to
Update Dental College
Campus overview
It is a noble venture of a renowned foundation that offers medical, dental and nursing education and health care services to contribute to the growing need of the country. This multicomplex campus is located at the northern part from the centre of the Dhaka city in a nice, green, calm and quite place, where the students can breathe fresh air and get rid of the hectic life of the Dhaka city. Our campus is one of the most beautiful and environmental friendly dental college campuses in the country.

A campus with world-class facilities...
In UpDC around 50% students are coming from abroad , specially from Nepal, Maldives, Kashmir. We give a great concern to our foreign students with all support and with a homely environment..

A campus with Cultural diversity ......
Outside study we celebrate our local and foreign different cultural ceremony, increase our social relationship with love and respect to each other……

Our Graduate : serve their nation with their dignity and skilled
Eight batch already have passed the graduation certificate. And now they are in different dimension. Some are doing higher post-graduation in abroad and some are involving in government health services. We wish their bright future and we give all support to rich in their dream…

A dream just coming true-Future Campus design in October, 2020 :
New hospital concept and features
A)Patient Friendly;A safe and secure hospital complying with the latest seismic safety standard (BNBC 2015) recommended by the Japanese government aiming the role of anti-disaster Hospital. B) International;Collaboration with Japanese University and medical group like Nagoya University, Osaka International Cancer Center, Osaka Jikei Gakuen etc. Also be a educational center for the medical student and stuffs from other country. C)Specialized;Introducing of Cardiac center, Kidney center, Trauma center, Clinical training center function as a university hospital D)Clean;Infection control, clean toilet environment, 5S movement E)Eco-friendly;Adoption of equipment and facilities that can be sustainably maintained and managed, utilization of local materials, reuse of waste materials, etc.

Contact address:
Aichi Nagar, JBCS Sarani, Khairtek Turag,
Uttara, Dhaka-1711
Cell: +8801705114024
E-mail: updc.bd@gmail.com