About Us
UpDC’s primary purpose as an inovative institution is the creation, dissemination, preservation and application of knowledge for the betterment of our nation as well as the global society. To fulfill this mission, UpDC is committed to academic freedom in its fullest terms: We value open access to information, free and lively debate conducted with mutual respect for individuals.Our aim is to integrate education, research and patient oriented clinical knowledge so that each of our graduates enriches with adequte learning. This integration will also promote academic excellence and nurture innovation and scholarly development.
Dr. Md. Moazzem Hossain
“Our efforts have proved that the youth are capable of steering this nation on the path of progress by using the power of knowledge as their strongest tool”

Chairman : Update Dental College & Hospital
Ulfat Jahan Moon
“Our approach is practical & traditional but the thinking is always revolving around the modern dental innovations”
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Learning and teaching at UpDC are guided by the undergraduate students and their teachers, who are believed to be a part of a community of scholars. This community is dedicated to providing students with a foundational understanding of a broad range of disciplines in Dentistry . All members of this community are engaged together in discovering and advancing knowledge and practice.
Community engagement is fundamental to our mission. As our institution is located in one of the most diverse and vibrant cities in our country, UpDC reaches beyond campus boundaries to establish partnerships locally, nationally or even globally. We are commited to serve our society through teaching and educating successive generations of leaders in our particular field of dentistry , and to pass on to students a renewable set of skills and commitment to social engagement.
Our aim is to integrate education, research and patient oriented clinical knowledge so that each of our graduates enriches with adequte learning. This integration will also promote academic excellence and nurture innovation and scholarly development.